~by Janice Harbaugh for GreeneCountyNewsOnline
Safe opening of county services to the public was discussed at the regular meeting of the Greene county board of supervisors on May 26. All supervisors were physically present in the board room along with several county officials. The public attended electronically through Zoom.
Board chair John Muir reported on Emergency Operations Center and department heads meetings where it was decided the courthouse could open Wednesday, June 3, at 8 am. Driver’s license, veterans affairs, and mental health offices will be by appointment only. The elevator will be operational.
Muir said the north door will be open during courthouse business hours and the east door will be available for handicapped access. Public restrooms will be closed until the middle of June. Lines will be used as guides for distancing.
“Masks are not required but are recommended and encouraged,” said Muir. “Employees will have a choice on wearing masks.”
County attorney Thomas Laehn reported on the opening of court services. He said in-person proceedings will not be resumed until at least July 13 and jury trials will be delayed until September.
The board of supervisors meeting on June 1 will be the last electronic meeting through Zoom.
In other business, a public hearing was held for a proposed amendment to the FY2020 Greene County budget. Auditor Jane Heun spoke about reduced revenue from the casino due to the pandemic and some increased expenses.
The supervisors unanimously adopted the budget amendment.
The board unanimously approved payment of $100 per case to the county medical examiner, Dr. Robert Clemons, effective July 1. Also effective July 1, sheriff Jack Williams and ambulance director Michele Madsen will be paid $100 each for each medical examiner investigation they do while off-duty.
The board unanimously approved the hiring of Reed Larsen as fulltime equipment III operator for the secondary roads department at $21.58 per hour. Larsen is currently a part-time secondary roads employee.
In response to GCNO inquiry, engineer Wade Weiss reported the bridge over the Raccoon River south of Jefferson on the Raccoon River Valley Trail is still awaiting design approval. “No physical work is being done on it,” he said.
The board went into session as trustees for drainage districts in the county and determined there is not enough money available to meet the needs of 17 drainage districts.
Expenditures were for tile repairs, cleanouts, bulkhead repair, and improvements.
The supervisors reviewed a schedule of assessments to be levied against these districts and unanimously approved the assessments at 6 percent interest per year.
The schedule of assessments can be obtained from the auditor’s office. Assessments are payable the same as regular property taxes.